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Born and bred in the state of Ohio, One Last Story was produced from a champion crossed on a champion. Standing at 15.2 hh, One Last Story is an excellent cross on any mare. His kind eye, striking coat, and outgoing disposition creates a lasting impression on all of whom are in his presence.


With a limited foal crop on the ground, Joey has already had offspring win/place in the 1D of barrels and poles. One Last Story is in Future Fortunes, the KISS Incentive, and the NPBA Triple Crown. All of his babies can be enrolled in these programs and are eligible for a plethora of bonus money at several shows throughout the year. 

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       15.2 HH








  • NBHA Youth World 1D Finalist

  • Quarter Horse Congress Barrel Racing Sweepstakes 1st Go 8th Place

  • Quarter Horse Congress Barrel Racing Sweepstakes Finalist

  • BFA Year-End Futurity Standings - 4th Place

  • West Virginia Barrel Futurity Champion

  • Indiana Barrel Futurity 2nd Go Champion 

  • Multiple 1D placings at the Ohio NBHA State Championships

  • Buckeye Summer Jam Top 5 (350+ entries)

  • Going Big Time Futurity Average Reserve Champion

  • Pre-Congress Show Youth Champion

  • Multiple Rodeo, Youth, and Open wins and placings

  • Multiple Futurity Go Round/ Average 1D Placings

KISS Incentive


KISS is an exciting barrel and pole stallion incentive program for Kentucky, Indiana, and surrounding states


For any mare bred to a KISS stallion in 2021, the resulting foal born in 2022 is eligible for three different HUGE sidepots! $5000 as a three-year-old at the Kissmas Juvenile, $5000 as a four-year-old at the Indiana Barrel Futurity, and $10,000 as a four-year-old at the Kissmas Juvenile Futurity class! That's an extra $20,000! No extra money to be eligible to run. All you have to do is nominate your foal sired by One Last Story and it will be eligible for LIFE.

These bonus sidepots are in addition to all of the other available sidepots throughout the year! Bonus money at events will continue to increase as the years go by!


Future Fortunes


Future Fortunes, Inc. is a program comprised of stallion owners and breeders united in enhancing the sport of barrel racing nationwide. Starting in 2004 with $38,000 in Bonus Money at 2 events, Future Fortunes has expanded its program to over $1 million cash payout in Open 4D Events, Futurities and Derbies throughout the United States. NO additional entry fee! ONE time enrollment fee! 3 Super Championship Tours - $50,000 each in CASH! 7 Regional Championships each paying $25,000 in CASH!  2 FF Slot Races: Fortunes Round  - $40,000 to Champion. $2,500 to Champion Sire. Juvenile Sires' Slot - $40,000 to the Champion. $2,500 to Champion Sire.  Since 2004, Future Fortunes has paid out over $7 million in CASH!


Bonus Money Breakdown
* 60% to Future Fortunes Futurity Colt
* 20% to Breeder
* 20% to Stallion Nominator


NPBA Triple Crown


The NPBA Triple Crown Pole Futurity is a stallion program intended to showcase pole bending stallions, junior stallions and their foals.  Their purpose is to elevate the pole bending industry and to encourage breeding to the NPBA Triple Crown Pole Futurity Stallions.


The NPBA Triple Crown Pole Futurity series will consist of 4 shows with a NPBA Triple Crown Pole Futurity class at each of the shows.   Each class will have $500 added money and a $2500 sidepot to the nominated 4 &5 year old foals by the stallions.   The payout will be a 3D format with 3 places in the 1st, 2 in the 2nd and 2 in the 3rd.   At the end of the year the top foal will be crowned the NPBA Triple Crown Pole Futurity Top Foal. 


Stallions will earn points based on how their foals finish at each of the shows.  At the end of the year 60% of the stallions will get a payout based on 80% of the stallion nomination money for that year.   For example, with 20 stallions in the program.  Twelve will split an $8000 payout. 




          As a two-year old, One Last Story suffered a life-threatening fracture to his skull. Joey was extremely ataxic and was rushed to OSU Equine Center (SEE VIDEO HERE). A poor prognosis was given due to air making its way to his brain, most likely resulting in infection. He was given a 50% chance of survival and a slim chance to make a trail horse. Defeating the odds, One Last Story entered his first barrel race December 4th of his 3 year-old year in which he placed second in the futurity side pot in Memphis, TN and went on to be 10 out in the average at the BFA World Championships in Oklahoma City a week later. One Last Story had an exceptional futurity season where he won and placed in the 1D of multiple futurity go rounds and averages. Of his 70 runs, 60 of them were clean and he finished 4th in the 2016 BFA Futurity Year-End Standings.


Henning Farms 2021

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